SHIFTED. its my personal blog, but i post yesung photos there too. because it is easier and the quality of images produced is better. ♥ see you there. follow me if you have a tumblr too (:
yesung new hair cut! this is at kyonggi university, i think they went there for a performance (: will update later if i find more pictures (: put full post text here
this fanvid is very very cute! put full post text here
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
hello, i'm so sorry for not updating for such a long time. it's my final year and i'm completing my studies this 25 feb. so i shall be back ard march. AND, ANY OF YOU GOING TO SUPER SHOW II AT MALAYSIA? I WILL BE GOING (: and if there are any malaysia readers, please inform me if there is any projects or events that you guys are organising for this super show okay. thanks thanks! put full post text here
have you all watch the sorry sorry-answer, sorry sorry-remix on gda? i was so amazed by kry's opening. in my opinion, this version manages to showcase kry's singing ability (: eunhae's rap is awesome too, and siwon is hot hot hot.
check out the super junior's sorry sorry-answer mv too (: credit: sment@yt